Typical Cases
Typical Cases
Release Date:
2021 / 03 /10
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Intelligent TransmissionSystem Solution

In 2016, Dongfang Electronics finished the transfer of SCADA of MP transmission project in Madhya Pradesh, India. This is the first province-level SCADA power transmission project in India. Till now, it is still the only province-level power dispatch automation project in India.

■Range of products: Including 3 control centers and 330 power transmission and transformer substations, covering three voltage levels of 132kV, 220kV and 420kV

■Working range: Including the survey, planning, design, documentation, system integration, supply, transportation, insurance, warehousing, testing, demonstration, installation, commissioning, acceptance and maintenance of the entire SCADA system 

Network Architecture

III. Implementation Effect

(1) It has realized real-time monitoring of the data of 330 substations, remote dispatch of 33kV lines, and automatic generation and printing of more than 1,000 reports;

(2) It can identify potential risks, so that preventive measures can be taken in advance to reduce the risk of substation equipment failure;

(3) It replaces manual data recording with automatic data recording and report generation, which has overcome the problem of manpower shortage, optimized the operation and maintenance costs, and saved the operation cost.

The project also receives honors like Remarkable Projects in India and TOP-20 Power Projects in India.